(-) mj is not eating in the canteen now
(?) is mj not eating in the canteen now ?
kosa kata :
reservation = menerima tamu
order = pesan
empty = kosong
1. use spesial expressions in making reservation directly and by telephone
example :
Resepsionis: | “Good morning, Maju Terus Hotel here. How can I help you today?” [“Selamat pagi, hotel Maju Terus di sini. Apa yang bisa saya bantu untuk Anda hari ini?”] |
Arwin: | “Hello, I would like to book a room for tomorrow.” [Halo, saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar untuk besok.”] |
Resepsionis: | “What kind of room would you like?” [Kamar tipe apa yang Anda inginkan?”] |
Arwin: | “I would like a double room, please.” [Saya ingin double room.”] |
Resepsionis: | “Please hold on I will check. I am afraid we only have single room available…Tomorrow we will have a double room.” [Mohon tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksanya. Saya takut kami hanya punya single room…. Besok kami memiliki double room.”] |
Arwin: | “OK. How much for a double room?” [“Baik. Berapa tarif double room?”] |
Resepsionis: | “Forty dollar per night including tax.” [“Empat puluh dolar per malam, termasuk pajak.”] |
Arwin: | “Are meals included in that price?” [“Apakah makanan termasuk dalam harga tersebut?”] |
Resepsionis: | “Yes, your breakfast and dinner are included and are served in our dining room.” [Ya, sarapan dan makan malam Anda sudah termasuk dan disediakan di ruang makan kami.”] |
Arwin: | “That’s great. I will take a double room for tomorrow.” [“Bagus. Saya akan mengambil sebuah double room untuk besok.”] |
Resepsionis: | “Can you give me your name and phone number so we can book your room?” [“Bolehkah Anda menginformasikan nama dan nomor telepon Anda sehingga kami bisa memesankan kamar Anda?”] |
Arwin: | “OK” [“Baik.”] |
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